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About zip context method

The zip context method can be used to return an iterator of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument iterables. (Python docs) :param :param


  • *args: Any number of iterables
  • default: A default value to return if *args is not iterable


{% set my_list_a = [1, 2] %}
{% set my_list_b = ['alice', 'bob'] %}
{% set my_zip = zip(my_list_a, my_list_b) | list %}
{% do log(my_zip) %} {# [(1, 'alice'), (2, 'bob')] #}
{% set my_list_a = 12 %}
{% set my_list_b = ['alice', 'bob'] %}
{% set my_zip = zip(my_list_a, my_list_b, default = []) | list %}
{% do log(my_zip) %} {# [] #}


The zip_strict context method can be used to used to return an iterator of tuples, just like zip. The difference to the zip context method is that the zip_strict method will raise an exception on a TypeError, if one of the provided values is not a valid iterable.


  • value: The iterable to convert (e.g. a list)
{% set my_list_a = [1, 2] %}
{% set my_list_b = ['alice', 'bob'] %}
{% set my_zip = zip_strict(my_list_a, my_list_b) | list %}
{% do log(my_zip) %} {# [(1, 'alice'), (2, 'bob')] #}
{% set my_list_a = 12 %}
{% set my_list_b = ['alice', 'bob'] %}
{% set my_zip = zip_strict(my_list_a, my_list_b) %}

Compilation Error in ... (...)
'int' object is not iterable